'Quit Smoking with Barça’ wins the Euro Effie Award

The Euro Effie Awards recognise the excellence in commecial communications with proven efficacy in two or more European countries

FC Barcelona and the European Commission’s ‘Quit Smoking with Barça’ campaign won the Euro Effie Award for its effectiveness in marketing and communication.

The Euro Effie Awards recognise the excellence in commecial communications with proven efficacy in two or more European countries. It’s worth noting that the ‘Quit Smoking with Barça’ campaign has produced tangible results as more than 70,000 individuals in 27 European Union countries have registered with the programme.

A life without tobacco

The ‘Quit Smoking with Barça’ campaign was borne out of two previous campaigns launched by the European Commission and FC Barcelona, they are: ‘Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable,’ which launched in 2011 in the 27 European Union countries, and ‘Barça Without Smoke,’ which launched on January 1 in 2012.

The director responsible for the Club’s Medical Services, Jodri Monés, said that the award “proves that the message of the ‘Quit Smoking with Barça’ campaign has started to have positive health effects in Europe.” He added: “At Barça we firmly believe in our slogan, ‘Més que un Club,’ and we promote the values of respect, health and social commitment. ‘Quit Smoking with Barça’ allows us to live out our slogan.”

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